Ottawa Community Concert Band

In the late 1960s a small group of amateur musicians were taking part in an adult education program at Highland Park School in Ottawa. This group, which included Maurice Comeau, Al Carlyle, Jean Warnock and Dick Warnock, came up with the idea of starting a regular amateur band. Maurice conducted the new group until in 1970 it adopted the name OTTAWA COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND (OCCB) under the baton of its first Musical Director: M. M. (Mel) Scott.

Following Mel Scott’s retirement to Florida, the band has been directed by Gordon Slater, Ken Irons, Tom Jennings, Stu Smith, Stanley Clark, Bernie Leger, Jim Milne, Jim Glover and by its present (second time) Music Director Jim Milne.

The organization has a continuing twofold objective:
(a) to provide the supporting organization, music, a music director and rehearsal space to allow interested citizens of Ottawa to play in a wind instrument concert band; and
(b) to give band concerts at various places across the city and region.